Thursday, August 18, 2016

9.3.5 Port Multiplier

Port multipliers are gadgets that permit a solitary Serial ATA port to speak with numerous drives. The port multiplier is apparent to the drives, yet the host knows that it is speaking with numerous drives. Port multipliers commonly exist in an enclosure and bolster all standard SATA drives.

Ordinarily, Serial ATA (SATA) availability comprises of a solitary drive associated with a solitary controller port through a solitary link. The greatest number of drives in an exhibit is predicated on the controller's port tally. The SATA Port Multiplier (SATA PM) allows a change to that precise relationship by means of port multiplication technology. Port multipliers permit simple, practical storage extension and empower the performance of numerous drives too.



Advantages of Port Multipliers

Port multipliers permit financially savvy and extended drive versatility to storage frameworks both internal and external to the box. Proficient extra desktop storage with altogether higher execution than Firewire™ and USB utilizing external associations is guaranteed. The quantity of additional drives that can be added to a customary SATA framework without port multipliers is restricted to the controller's port check; extra drives mean extra controllers, adequately expanding the expense of the framework. The client pays the expense of the additional controller(s) and fundamentally relinquishes extra PCI openings that may somehow or another be required for other peripheral upgrades. By utilizing port multipliers, a solitary host adapter possessing a solitary PCI opening can interface numerous more drives.

SATA PM's straightforward cabling topology, where the host is associated with more drives by less links, is another in addition to for port multiplier connectivity. SATA's precise relationship in which every port is associated with a solitary drive by means of a solitary link implies excessively confounded cabling for multi-drive frameworks. A decreased link tally adds to tidier backplanes; less complex drive insertion and evacuation, enhanced wind flow inside the box, and a more secure framework.


Command based or FIS based Host Support

A SATA PM requires that controllers bolster either command based switching or F.I.S (Frame Information Structure) based switching with a specific end goal to utilize port multiplication.

Command based switching, thoughtfully like a mechanical A/B switch, confines the host to issue instructions to one drive at a time. Commands to different drives won't be issued until the command line is finished for the earlier exchange. Hence, order based switching is perfect for basic drive expansion where capacity is more vital than execution.

Frame Information Structure based switching offers elite storage associations with numerous drives at the same time. The host issues and finishes instructions to drives whenever. The port multiplier will guide data to any drive prepared for I/O. An arbitration algorithm guarantees an even data stream. Not at all like Command based switching, FIS based exchanging permits simultaneous connection to completely utilize the conceivably higher bandwidth of the host connection and exploits the execution advantages of Native Command Queuing (NCQ) on the port multiplier, resulting in utilizing the total bandwidth of the host band link.



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