Sunday, August 28, 2016

10.2.4 Other Ciphers

AES (Rijndael) and DES are the best-known symmetric-key cryptographic calculations, and the standard business decisions, if just for obligation reasons. (Nobody will reprimand you on the off chance that you utilize AES in your item and AES is split, yet they will absolutely point the finger at you on the off chance that you utilize a nonstandard cipher and it is later broken.) However, it merits saying that various other symmetric-key ciphers have been concocted. Some of these are implanted inside different items. A couple of the more normal ones are recorded in Fig. 10-16. It is conceivable to utilize mixes of these ciphers, for instance, AES more than Twofish, so that both ciphers should be broken to recuperate the data.

Figure 10-16. Some regular symmetric-key cryptographic calculations.



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